Monday, March 27, 2006

British plan to feed their children squirrel

Two UK Lords have outlined plans to put grey squirrel on the school-meals menu. They explain in the attached BBC article how dastardly american grey squirrels now outnumber native UK reds by twelve or so to one.


Blogger amitav said...

I think it's a weird way of fighting an infestation. There are many squirrels - so we eat them. How about getting people to eat rats and cockroaches when there are too many of those?

3/29/2006 11:27:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i wouldn't eat cockroach, and even though rat au vin, rat fricasse etc may have been popular in British trenches during WW1 these elements of British cuisine were unfortunately lost on the way back from the western front :p

re: squirrels though.. i'd happily eat red and grey ones, all that jumping around they must have really juicy thighs... mmmmm..

3/29/2006 03:19:00 PM  
Blogger amitav said...

Well as long as they are used for a good cause, that's fine. Anything that's done to reduce our dependence on oil has to be a good thing.

I would go one step further and demand that the government uses non plastic bow and arrows to hunt the squirrels and that the pelts will be driven to the insulation producing factories on carts powered by hundreds of rats, whether in a "dog slegh" or in a "hamster in a wheel" arrangement.

4/04/2006 01:15:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

thanks for the oil link... nice article - enhanced by the author using the word discombobulated which is not used often enough in my opinion :)

4/09/2006 03:13:00 PM  

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