Saturday, April 08, 2006

Blog Info

If you think that this may contain information about this blog, you are probably right.


Blogger amitav said...

The purpose of this post is to be a "sticky" - to be the first post of this blog.

If you have some ideas of what I can do with this blog, they would be very welcome (although I would not appreciate something along the lines of, "You know know what you can do with this blog mate? You can just go and.." - enough said).

4/08/2006 11:44:00 AM  
Blogger amitav said...

Latest comments

I have finally managed to find a way to add a list of the latest comments. You can now see them on the side bar, just under the recent posts.

This is someone else's Javascript and CSS, I had a quick glance through it and pasted it into the template. In the next few days I will tweak it a bit.

Random class

I have added a "random" class to be used inside posts. If you want to write a post on topic which does not deal with commenting on news, you are velly welcome. But could you please put <div class="random"> in the beginning and </div> at the end of the post.

<div class="random">Amitav, what the hell where you thinking when you added that sitemeter at the bottom of the page? What about my privacy? Now anyone can can find out when was the last time I have been to this blog. This is unacceptable. Remove this abomination immediately. Oh, and have a nice day!</div>

4/08/2006 12:04:00 PM  
Blogger amitav said...

Changed my mind, am not going to have the blog info post on top, there will be a link to it in the side bar. If there are going to be any new comments to it, they will show up in the "recent commments" list anyway.

4/08/2006 10:08:00 PM  
Blogger amitav said...


If you want to make a normal link, then you can use the link icon while you are creating a post. You can also use html itself.

For instance, if you write <a href="">BBC</a>, this would result in:

If you want to use the source links the way I use them inside posts, then inside the <blockpost> tags (i.e. inside the quotes section) write down the link you want, as I have written it above. The next step is to put <div class="source"> just before your link and </div> just after the link.

<div class="source">[<a href="">BBC</a>]</div>

(note the placements of the [ ], they are emphasised for demonstration purposes only)

would result in

[BBC] in the same style as I have it in my posts.

4/13/2006 08:27:00 AM  
Blogger amitav said...

In the above comment, it should be <blockquote> and not <blockpost>. I was obviously thinking of a Russian war movie of the same name. I think it's about time I watched it again.

[Blockpost on IMDB]

4/13/2006 09:01:00 AM  
Blogger amitav said...

Hmm. I just realised that everything that's written here can be found on google. I do know that is owned by google, but I did not expect to be found this quickly. Type "amitav78" and pretty much anything which was discussed here brings up links to this blog.

4/13/2006 01:28:00 PM  

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