Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Silence in class

This was a rather boring article from Guardian on the pressure on people working inside the US educational system to be "objective". Nothing new was covered, although I wish someone would finally make a link between David Horowitz's efforts to turn American students into snitches and the hero worship of Pavel Morozov in Soviet Union. Despite all his efforts, I guess Mr Horowitz is still suffering from his communist upbringing.

Since the subject of upbringing came up, this article explains a lot about mine. More specifically it mentions the good old IB and reactions to it from a certain quarter of US society.
Since February, the normally sleepy, wealthy district of Upper St Clair in Pennsylvania has been riven with arguments over its curriculum after the local school board banned the International Baccalaureate (IB), the global educational programme, for being an "un-American" marxist and anti-Christian. During their election campaign, the Republicans of Upper St Clair referred to the IB, which is offered in 122 countries and whose student intake has risen by 73% worldwide in the past five years, as though it was part of an international communist conspiracy, suspicious of a curriculum that had been "developed in a foreign country" (Switzerland). "Our country was founded on Judeo-Christian values and we have to be careful about what values our children are taught," said one Republican board member. Similar campaigns have also sprung up recently at school boards in Minnesota and Virginia.

I always wondered where my anti-Christian and un-American tendencies came from, now I know.


Blogger amitav said...

Why did you delete that comment, Barry?

4/05/2006 07:18:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

er... i think i wanted to edit it but couldn't figure out how and as i was trying to find a way to edit it i deleted it... ha ha :)

i wanted to say something about how i dislike the word 'judeo-christian' and how i don't trust anyone who uses it...

4/05/2006 01:36:00 PM  
Blogger amitav said...

Yeah, I agree with you on that. Why is it Judeo-Christian? At the very least it should be Judeo-Cristian-Greco-Roman-Celtic civilization. Of course without the Indian Arab influence you would not have things like hygiene and maths (assuming maths without 0 is not really maths).

But the thing which I find the most amusing is that he does not seem to consider Switzerland a "Judeo-Christian country". Perhaps he has it confused with Swaziland. But I would not want to overestimate his knowledge of geography.

4/05/2006 02:27:00 PM  
Blogger amitav said...

BTW I see what you mean by trying to edit a comment. I tried doing that myself, but could not figure out how to do that either. So yeah, I deleted my comment too:)

4/05/2006 02:34:00 PM  

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