Tuesday, April 18, 2006

God, i love fox! ;)

Terror Survival Handbook

jesus h christ! them nasty terrorists must be everywhere. think i better stop by a shop on the way home and buy myself a whistle and some energy bars...

sidenote: if you click on the contacts link (bottom right of the terrorism survival guide) you will see this handbook was written by terrorism ''expert'' Yuval Aviv


Blogger amitav said...

That's a nice find Barry. I have been too busy over Easter, following in the footsteps of Jesus H himself, to read any news.

Yep, I have been "carpentering", at my parents' castle:) We fitted 7 doors, and I have also been doing a lot of work with a chain saw. Lovely:)

As for Fox News. I like it. The bit about having a towel with you at all times, that's straight out of Adams. Candles at home, avoiding crowded places (you might catch something or get your wallet nicked), having a bottle of water with you - these are all sensible things, terrorist threat or not.

Am not sure about watching out for suspicious people though. Under their description of suspicious, anyone with a bad flu on the way to the hospital might not make it and get 9 rounds in the head, Menezes style.

However, if they do print it out and give it to people for free, I think it has it's place on a bookshelf. During terrorist attack you may not have a chance to go and buy toilet paper.

4/19/2006 01:04:00 PM  

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