that bloody woman
i just thought i'd inform you all that today i will be attempting to avoid watching any news at all.
This is due to the fact that it is the Queen's 80 Birthday and on this day England (and Australia too i'd guess) goes completely crazy, gushes with praise and celebrates the fact that background means everything. We (especially if we are the BBC) heap praise on some obscure white aristocratic family and cherish the days when Britain really was 'Great'...
Even news sources i usually respect tend to be complementary to that ruddy Windsor chick on days like these... and it makes me sick.
--- end of rant ---
This is due to the fact that it is the Queen's 80 Birthday and on this day England (and Australia too i'd guess) goes completely crazy, gushes with praise and celebrates the fact that background means everything. We (especially if we are the BBC) heap praise on some obscure white aristocratic family and cherish the days when Britain really was 'Great'...
Even news sources i usually respect tend to be complementary to that ruddy Windsor chick on days like these... and it makes me sick.
--- end of rant ---
I agree with you Barry. I think the Royal Family is a waste of space. I really can't think of any good arguments for keeping the Queen as a head of state.
Unlike you, I did watch the news and could not help hearing that people are praising her for being very good at staying out of politics. That's supposed to be a good thing for a head of state? Fine. Others were saying that she is a great symbol of UK. What exactly does she represent?
Of course I am not suggesting the French solution of 1793, or indeed the English solution of 1649, far from it, I abhor violence. I just don't see why that lot can't just bugger off and live in Gibraltar.
Anyway, they are your Royals, not mine, although I suppose my grandparents were UK subjects at some point.
Apart from the reasons you have already listed, why don't you like them?
btw, rants are always very welcome.
they are not mine!
i don't like them cos they represent and signify something that has no place in Britain today.
i think Britain's current situation (re: the head of state) gives too much power to the PM and sets a crazy precedent to the citizens of the country...i.e. you can only be head of state if you have a certain bloodline. what kind of example of life is that to set to yr young people?
also the standard arguments 'for' them like tourism and her political nouse are just complete hogwash...
i unfortunately happened to catch a bit of the BBC 10 o'clock news on TV on that day and the top story was Queenie's bday followed by Nepalese attempts to reduce powers of their King.
i thought this would have been a great chance to report and talk about absolute & constitutional monarchies and republics, but there was nothing - in fact even the guardian had mild praise for 'Her Royal Highness'...
nouse = nous
why can't we frickin edit comments after they're posted... :)
...i obviously have rodents on the brain after all that talk earlier in the blog...
also the standard arguments 'for' them like tourism and her political nouse are just complete hogwash...
Yep, it's not like US or France have a lack of visitors because they don't have royalty.
why can't we frickin edit comments after they're posted... :)
I also think it's annoying, I found a grease monkey script (for firefox) which lets me edit comments. But unfortunately it would not work for you.
I will keep on looking, but for now, all I can suggest is that you press "preview", before you press "login and publish". This would give you a chance to review what you wrote.
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